CUSPIRIT® T-BC300 cyanide-free alkaline copper plating technology can direct electroplate on many metals, such as iron, stainless steel, copper and brass, and the plated layer gained has good combining capacity with the base.
Characteristics of the Product
1. The layer crystal is fine and smooth with good ductility.
2. There is no cyanide pollution, which can protect the health of the workers, protect the natural environment and reduce the wastewater treatment cost of the cyanide during the plating process.
3. The working range of the current density is broad, and the positioning ability in low area is better than cyanide electroplating.
4. It can be used in barrel plating, rack plating and continuous routing plating.
5. Compared with cyanide electroplating, it has strong tolerance to carbonate, and there is no need to handle the problem of accumulation of carbonate.
6. Single addition and simple control.