"Published by the state environmental protection department of the Cleaner production standard Electroplating industry" (HJ/T314-2006) the announcement of modification plan
To carry out the environmental protection law of the People's Republic of China "and" Cleaner production promotion law of the People's Republic of China, to protect the environment, prevent and control pollution, improve the level of enterprise Cleaner production, our decision of the state environmental protection standards of the Cleaner production standard Electroplating industry "(HJ/T314-2006). The revised programme will be implemented since 1 February 2009.
Hereby notice.
November 27, 2008
Key words: environmental Cleaner production standard plating modification scheme announcement
Attachment 1: "the Cleaner production standard Electroplating industry" (HJ/T 314-2006) modification scheme
A, "1 scope" in the second paragraph is amended as: this standard is applicable to Electroplating industry production line (composite Electroplating production) of cleaner production audit and judgment of the cleaner production potential and opportunity, and the performance evaluation of cleaner production and cleaner production performance announcement system.
Second, delete "requirements for 4.2 index" in the second paragraph, namely: Electroplating industryCleaner production standard (printed circuit board) indicators are shown in table 2.
Delete table 2.
Attachment 2: "the Cleaner production standard Electroplating industry" (HJ/T 314-2006)
To implement the environmental protection law of the People's Republic of China "and" cleaner production promotion law of the People's Republic of China, to protect the environment, for electroplating enterprises to carry out cleaner production to provide technical support and guidance, make this standard.
As the guidance, this standard is applicable to Electroplating industry production enterprise cleaner production audit and judgment of the cleaner production potential and opportunities, as well as the enterprise performance evaluation of cleaner production and enterprise cleaner production performance announcement system.
Based on the national and local environmental standards, this standard is based on the current industry technology, equipment level and management level, which is divided into three levels. The first level represents the advanced level of international clean production, the second level represents the advanced level of domestic clean production, and the third level represents the basic level of domestic clean production. With the continuous improvement and development of technology, this standard will also be revised continuously, generally three to five years.
According to the general requirements of cleaner production, cleaner production index in principle can be divided into production on art and equipment requirements, resources, energy use, product indicators, pollutants index before treatment (end), recycling and environmental management requirements and so on six classes. Considering the Electroplating industry, the characteristics of the standard of cleaner production index can be divided into four categories, namely the production of art and equipment requirements, resource utilization, plating pieces out of liquid pollutants (at the end
Pre-processing) and environmental management requirements.
This standard is for the first time.
This standard is submitted by the technical standard division of the state environmental protection administration.
This standard drafting unit: China environmental science research institute, Beijing electroplating association.
The general administration of environmental protection of the standard was approved on 22 November 2006.
This standard shall be implemented from 1 February 2007.
This standard is explained by the state environmental protection administration.
1 scope
This standard is applicable to Electroplating industry production enterprise production line (composite Electroplating production and printed circuit board production and production of the main process of main kinds of plating) cleaner production audit and cleaner production potential and opportunity of judgment, performance evaluation of cleaner production and cleaner production performance announcement system.
Normative reference documents
The terms and conditions of the following documents shall be used as the terms of this standard by reference of this standard. When the following standards are revised, the latest version applies to this standard.
GB5085.1 identification standard for hazardous waste
GB7467 water quality hexavalent chromium determination of diphenyl carbamide spectrophotometry
A spectrophotometric method for the determination of zinc in GB7472
GB7474 water quality copper determination diethyldisulfide sodium spectrophotometric method
GB7475 water quality copper, zinc, lead, cadmium determination atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Determination of total cyanide in the first part of GB7486 water quality
GB8978 comprehensive sewage discharge standard
GB11910, the determination of the determination of diketone oxime spectrophotometry
GB11912 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of nickel in water quality
GB16297 comprehensive emission standards for atmospheric pollutants
GB18597 hazardous waste storage pollution control standard
GB/T24001 environmental management system specification and usage guide
3 define
3.1 clean production
Refers to constantly to improve design, use of clean energy and raw material, adopt advanced process technology and equipment, improve management, comprehensive utilization and other measures, from the source to reduce pollution, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, reduce or avoid the production, services, and products used in the process of pollutants and emissions, in order to reduce or eliminate the harm to human health and the environment.
3.2 the comprehensive utilization rate of metal raw materials
In the formula: U -- the comprehensive utilization ratio of metal raw materials;
N -- a batch of plating in the appraisal period;
Ti -- the average thickness of the metal coating of the ith batch, mu m;
Si -- the area of plating of the ith batch, m2;
D - metal density of coating, g/cm3;
M - plating metal raw materials (consumption of anode and metal ion) consumption, g;
M1 -- the return amount of anode residue, g;
M2 -- the amount of metal recovered in other ways, g;
For alloy plating, only the utilization of the metal is calculated.
"Coated metal" refers to the metal ions contained in metal anodes, metal salts or oxides.
3.3 indicator of liquid contaminant produced by plating (before terminal treatment)
The indicator of the production of the liquid contaminant is the yield of a certain pollutant in the flat plate surface of the unit area before treatment of the end of the waste water. The unit of calculation is g/m2.
The calculation formula of each pollutant generation index is as follows:
In the formula, Wi -- I plating unit area flat plate surface of a certain pollutant produced by liquid, g/m2;
Pi -- the metal ion or cyanide weight that is taken from the production line by the plating of the plate, g;
Qi - I plate surface area, m2.
3.4 the main process
Refers to the electric Plating pretreatment part grinding polishing, degreasing, activation process, Plating, cleaning process and Plating post-processing part passivation, shading, covers the process such as organic matter.
3.5 main plating
Galvanized, copper plating, Nickel plating, decorative plating chromium, hard chromium plating.
4 requirements
4.1 indicator classification
This standard gives the Electroplating industry production process of cleaner production level of level 3 technical indicators:
Level 1: advanced level of international clean production;
Level 2: advanced level of domestic clean production;
Level 3: basic level of domestic clean production.
4.2 indicator requirements
Comprehensive Electroplating Electroplating industryCleaner production standard (class) are shown in table 1.
Electroplating industryCleaner production standard (printed circuit board) are shown in table 2.
Table 1 Electroplating industryCleaner production standard (composite plating)
Note: the process selection of process selection is based on the principle of the process selection: the process orientation is Without any of the products, such as free, fluorine or low fluorine, low concentration, low energy consumption, and fewer complexers. Eliminate heavy polluting chemicals such as lead, cadmium and mercury. Special requirements for special products are also considered.
(2) clean production process refers to potassium chloride galvanizedprocess, galvanized layer low hexavalent chromium and no hexavalent chromium Passivation technology, any Zinc plated nickel alloyprocess and other clean production process.
(3) high pollution process refers to the high cyanide galvanizedprocess and hexavalent chromium Passivation technology, lead tin alloy electroplating process, etc.
Fresh water consumption refers to the ratio of fresh water consumption to the total product area of the entire plant (including the area of the plating solution without the plating layer).
In order to reduce the amount of the galvanized parts, two or more measures are required to reduce the liquid.
The relevant standards in the "reference standard" are adopted in the dispute of the results of the electroless heavy metal ion detection. ?
Table 2 Electroplating industryCleaner production standard (printed circuit board) (1)
Note: the "notes" of table 1 are fully applicable to table 2. The "fresh water dosage" calculation range refers to the process of electroplating and handling water before and after the process.
Data collection and calculation methods
5.1 sampling
This standard requires that the inspection of the plating parts to produce the indicator of liquid pollutant, so the sample points are set on the last stage of the measured and plated type of recycling tank or plating tank (no recycling tank) on the upper side.
Sample is on the production line according to the normal production process, equipment, operating norms, collecting plate shape plating pieces out of the amount of metal ions in the liquid, it basically reflects the effect of the production line of implementing cleaner production measures.
5.2 statistics
Raw material consumption, fresh water consumption, water reuse, product yield, anode residues and metal recovery shall be subject to the statutory monthly report or annual report.
The measured 5.3
The resource utilization index can choose the representative plating to carry on the production line field test.
The indicator should be selected for the representative plating or production line to be tested on site.
5.4 determination of chemical analysis method
The arbitration method adopted in the determination of pollutants is referred to the standard.
6. Implementation of standards
The standards shall be organized and implemented by the environmental protection administration departments of the people's governments at various levels.